Monday, June 14, 2010


We love the option of posting on Facebook. We do have the uncanny ability to spout on and on about nothing in particular, however with Facebook you have to be concise. You can't elaborate you just have to say it how it is within a limited number of words. Here I can talk about really nothing and keep going and nothing limits me. I have this entire page to talk about stuff that really doesn't mean much to anyone in particular and no one including a computerized program a.k.a Facebook is prompting me to quit. The only thing prompting me to quit is this nagging little voice in my brain that says..."you should stop now". However, I don't have to, so I keep going...writing about how I have trouble with writing so much. I would recommend that you check back from time-to-time because we will have items of interest to write about that will exceed the given space allotted by Facebook. However if you read our blog you will find that based on our recent posting record (or not so recent postings) this is become somewhat extinct. Don't hold your breath but I will surprise some of you, maybe. Until our next post...

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