Thursday, February 28, 2008

Labels 101

So, here's the label story. I "let" Amber do all the project management with our's intensive work from creation, approval to final print. She creates the front and back label (with help from our creative team CKA and Tapp) and then sends it to me to check for any potential typos, content issues etc. I then act as if I've been in charge the whole time and point out all the changes needed. If any of you have worked with us you'll know that goes over really well, NOT. It's almost comical and we've actually learned to laugh at ourselves, quite often. So, once she gives the final G-O, we go to print. The actual creation of labels has always been very vague to me. I am very visual so in my mind the labels miraculously appear and we put them on the bottle. Bob Seitz, of Tapp Technologies, has been extremely helpful in getting us from point A to point B and sent us a visual story of how our labels get printed. Fun stuff so thought we'd share. You can click on this link to see for yourself.

Our 2007 Calico White will be ready April!


Unknown said...

looks like some of what i do...and i love the 'copper foiling die'. do you collect these when they are done? quite the art...

Scott Bru said...

Yeah, the copper foiling 'stuff' looks great. Obviously, I am no artist, but I love this white. Sippin' some now, just bought a bottle here in northern Virginia. Betcha wish I was guzzlin' it, huh? Just kidding, but I will buy more.........only because the label is cool.....NOT! :-)

Hey, I let my friend Dr Mike Bergevin know about "you guyz." He lives near Va Beach (southern Va). He said all Bergevins are related so I hope he contacts you.